EPS Conference on High Energy Physics

Information for speakers

Please provide your slides in PDF (strongly preferred) or ppt/pptx format and upload the file directly to Indico by 16.00 of the day before your presentation. If you have problems with the permissions in Indico, please write as soon as possible to eps-indico@pd.infn.it.

There is a Speakers Office (Room Griffith on the 1st floor of Palazzo del Casinò, same floor as the entrance hall) where exceptionally files can be uploaded with a memory stick.

The presentations will be projected in 16:9 using central PC laptops with Microsoft Windows 10. It will not be possible to use personal laptops for the presentations.

Two notebooks in the Speakers Office will be available to test the presentations.

In case of ppt/pptx format, it is speaker’s responsibility to check the quality of the presentation (fonts, layout, etc.) before the afore mentioned time deadline. No file corrections or direct upload during the sessions are permitted.